The Magazine of Lenton Local History Society

Lenton Times Issue 5 - February 1991

Advertising The Past

See in Lightbox
Adverts from Lenton Parish Magazine July 1942

We are always pleased to hear that Lenton Times has helped bring in a little extra trade to those who choose to advertise in its pages. But we would suggest that any readers tempted to patronise the businesses whose adverts appear on the adjacent page are heading for disappointment. In almost every instance (*) the businesses have ceased to trade which is hardly surprising when you consider that the advertisements first saw the light of day in the July 1942 issue of Lenton Parish magazine. In fact if readers have recollections or tales to tell about any of these shops or tradesmen Lenton Local History Society would be delighted to receive them.

(*) The exception is C. Hall & Sons, now known as Halls Locksmiths whose premises can be found on the Alfreton Road.

Church News 1942

1942 was Holy Trinity's centenary year but reading the magazine it is clear that the war was causing problems as the Church tried to celebrate the event. The Annual Bazaar, its major fund raiser, had been ruled out and rationing meant that those wishing to attend the garden party held at the Vicarage were asked to bring along their own food. It was, however, hoped that the ladies of the Parish Church Committee would be able to provide tea to drink! Entertainments were to include a bring and buy stall, clock golf, putting and skittles, and there was to be a display put on by the Cottesmore Company of the Girls' Training Corp.

See in Lightbox
The church personnel in 1942

Females figured prominently in the pages of the magazine but not it would appear in the Church choir. This was a male preserve but for how much longer? Choristers had been called up for active service, others were required to work on Sundays, while some of the boys had joined the likes of the ATC which often prevented them from attending choir practices. The question was raised as to whether ladies should be invited to make up the numbers. The Rev. Bardsley, in charge of Lenton parish in the absence of Rev. Skipper, after quoting extensively from a recent article on the subject in 'The Times', indicated his own preference that 'we should strive our hardest to keep our choirs as at present constituted'.

A list of over two hundred parishioners at that time known to have been called up for active service was on display in the porch of Holy Trinity. It was evident that most of those listed were men, yet many women were believed to have left the district to play their part in the war effort. An appeal had been launched to add their names to the list. Among those names recently handed in were Muriel Joan Mitchell, Barbara Joyce Mitchell, Muriel Francis Stone, Jean Whitaker, Norah Skellington as well as John Richard Fletcher, Kenneth Sully, Philip Ruglys, William Thomas Hugh Norris, William Barlow and John Arthur Locker. The magazine also carried a second appeal - this time for people to knit apparel for prisoners of war. Mrs Lewis of Mevel House in the Park had a supply of free wool and socks were described as being the number one item required.

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