The Magazine of Lenton Local History Society

Castle Boulevard - Lenton
Elastic Yarns 1963

"The men employed in the Warping Department at Elastic Yarns Ltd., Castle Boulevard, can truly be said to be "on the beam". They are expert at transferring a number of covered rubber ends onto any type of beam. The number of ends can vary from 144 to 2,408 according to requirements. Equally, the beams can range from 6 ins to 100 ins. The specification is, of course, outlined by the customer, Stapleford Net Co., for example.

The operative in the foreground is Mr. Keith Ward of Hucknall. He has just come of age, his 21st birthday falling on 23rd February. He was on the books of Nottingham Forest 'A' team when only 19. In that capacity he took in tours of Holland and Germany. Behind him stands Mr. E. H. Grundy who is a supervisor in charge of beam winding and warping. Like Keith, he is a keen football enthusiast and - in fact - takes an interest in all sports. His first love, however, is fishing and he is very keen to get together with other interested parties at Elastic Yarns with a view to starting a works fishing club. Piscatorial fans should get "on the beam" right now."

From the May 1963 edition of "Expand" magazine, which was the company magazine for Clutsom and Kemp, who were based in Coalville, Leics. They had a number of factories, including Elastic Yarns Ltd on Castle Boulevard/Grove Road, Lenton.

Photograph and article supplied by Ann Swabey

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