The Book

In the 1990s the Society established a project to learn more about the Lenton men and women who died as a result of the First World War. This has now borne fruit in a publication entitled Nottingham at War: 1914-1919 & Lenton: A Suburb's Sacrifice which was published in 2014 by Lenton Times in association with Leen Editions. The first half of the book, written by Peter Foster, and amounting to some 160 pages, offers readers a year-by-year account of how the war impacted on the city. The second portion of the book, prepared by Stephen Zaleski, focuses on the Lenton Dead and occupies about 115 pages. These amount to some four hundred and forty-five profiles. They include all those listed on the war memorial; men included on the Lenton Methodist war memorial; the Alderney Street Roll of Honour; men who were born in Lenton but moved elsewhere; those buried in Lenton churchyard; and ninety-two individuals who are not listed on any Lenton war memorial but should have been. And finally, the men whose spouses and parents subsequently came to live in Lenton.
Lenton Times No.34 (published August 2014) includes three extracts from the book. There is the first half of Peter Foster's chapter on Nottingham in 1914 which describes what was going on Nottingham in the months preceding the outbreak of war and a little of what happened once war was declared. The second, written by Stephen Zaleski, describes the Lenton War Memorial's unveiling and the key role Albert Ball senior played in its erection. The final extract consists of profiles constructed for five of the men whose names feature on the memorial.
The book is illustrated with a number of war-time photographs of Lenton along with a host of advertisements and public notices taken from the Nottingham newspapers. The individual profiles also include photographs of some of those who died plus various memorials to them to be found in Lenton Churchyard.
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Nottingham at War: 1914-1919 & Lenton: A Suburb's Sacrifice
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