The Magazine of Lenton Local History Society

Lenton Times - Back Issues

A Brief Synopsis of the Main Articles

Issue No. 10 October 1996 (£1.00)

Front cover of Issue 10 - Lenton TimesOn the Trail Of Clifton Boulevard: Part 2 (8 pages)

The story behind the construction of second half of Clifton Boulevard which stretches from Abbey Street/Beeston Road, over the river Trent and on up to the junction with A60 is long and involved. It starts with the compulsory purchase in 1938 of therequisite land needed to take the road as far as the river Trent and only concludes in 1995 with the most recent road and bridge-widening scheme.

Mark Cockerill - A Lenton Bobbie (3 pages)

During the latter part of the nineteenth century Police Constable Mark Cockerill was based in Lenton. Mary Pick, his granddaughter, recounts some of the family tales of life on the Lenton beat at that time. Her most sensational story involves the occasion when he was bitten by rabid dog in 1886. Only the year before Louis Pasteur had announced that he had finally developed a vaccine which would prevent the onset of rabies in humans. The members of the Watch Committee agreed that P.C. Cockerill should be sent to Paris to get the necessary treatment. Having set something of a precedent, the Watch Committee subsequently paid for several other Nottingham citizens to travel to France for the same treatment.

Manslaughter at New Lenton? (3 pages)

In October 1836 the jury at an inquest held at the White Hart in Lenton returned a verdict of manslaughter on Henry Thomas Mortimer. They considered he had not done all that he should while attending the deceased, one Maria Castles, in his role as an accoucheur. For those unfamiliar with the term, an accoucher was a man who assisted women at childbirth. We recount Courtesy of Nottinghamshire County Library Services the details of the subsequent trial held at the Shire Hall in March 1837 and go on to reveal a little of what we have discovered about the principal participants. As for the result of the court case - seek out Issue No.10.

The Lenton Heliport (1 page)

In 1956 BEA began to operate a helicopter service between Nottingham and Birmingham. The story behind this venture and the reasons for its ephemeral existence are charted in the course of this article.

Helen Kirkpatrick Watts: Portrait and Politics of A Nottingham Suffragette (4 pages)

Richard Whitmore offers a further instalment in the life of Helen Watts. Drawing on the papers held at Nottinghamshire and other source material he provides an analysis of her political beliefs and details other protests which led to a second prison sentence, this time at Leicester.

Our Sponsor's Story: E.A.M. (1 page)

In 1987 Edwin [Eddy] Alexander Maxwell moved his home and business premises to 45 Clifton Boulevard, Lenton. In 1998 the E.A.M. Building Group was declared 'Best Business with over 20 Employees' in that year's East Midlands Ethnic Business Awards organised by Nottingham First Enterprise.

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