Issue No.13 November 1998 (£1.00)
The Prince of Wales and Lenton (4 pages)
In 1927 Edward, Prince of Wales bought Grove Farm in Lenton - a fact that created a lot of interest in the local press. All manner of reasons were proffered as to why the Prince had made this purchase. The local papers, however, never printed the real reason - which was that the farm provided an isolated pied-a-terre to which the Prince could take his lady friends.
Later Edward obtained the use of Fort Belvedere, a royal property situated at the edge of Windsor Great Park. There was no real need to keep Grove Farm and it was sold in 1933.
Norris the Builder Part 1 - William Norris (5 pages)
William Norris, initially in partnership with George Salathiel Walters but later on his own, erected a substantial number of properties in the Lenton area during the last two decades of the nineteenth century. We focus both on the man himself and the various properties he built.
The Cottesmore Schools: Their Inception (4 pages)
In the early 1920s a plot of land at the junction of Lenton Boulevard and Derby Road was earmarked as a site for a new school. It took ten years before construction got underway. Our article looks at how the plans for this land kept changing. Also on offer is a description of the changes to Lenton's other educational establishments caused by the Cottesmore Schools' arrival.
Cottesmore Girls: School Memories of the 1930s (5 pages)
Myrtle Shaw (nee Orton) was at the school between 1934 and 1937. She provides a detailed account of her time at Cottesmore.
The View from the Front (2 pages)
Marjorie Goodliffe (nee Smith) was appointed as a housecraft teacher at Cottesmore Girls in 1932. She recalls her three years there providing girls with the basics in cookery and nutrition, laundry work and general housewifery.
C.E. Marshall, Joiner, Wheelwright and Carriage Builder (1 page)
Marshall Atkin was brought up by his grandparents, Charles and Mary Marshall, who lived at 42 Church Street, Lenton. He recounts a little of his grandfather's business and the occasion when the Prince of Wales came to call.
Our Sponsor's Story (1 page)
It was highly appropriate that Parker & Collinson should agree to sponsor this issue as they are the present occupants of the site that previously housed Charles Marshall's business. There is, however, no link with Mr Marshall's line of work as Parker & Collinson are in the printing business and also supply a wide range of office equipment.
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