Lenton Times Issue 2 - May 1989
The Story Of The Nottingham Canal
Given the focus of this Issue, we provide the reader with a brief account of the history of the Nottingham canal.
Letter To The Editor - 1835
"I was yesterday passing by the river Leen and the canal, on my way to Lenton, when I observed numerous groups of youths in and out of the water in a state of complete nudity, amounting to at least a hundred in number, and varying in age from seven to seventeen years. For want of a suitable PRIVATE place of bathing, some of our public walks are to the respectable female population worse than useless, and too frequently subject them to the most indecent and degrading insults"
Lenton And The Canal
Casting his mind back to the inter-war years, Les Berry recalls how the canals in and around Lenton looked, during his childhood and early working life.
Recollections Of The Hillside Area
After talking to Jack Hill, now aged 86, Keith Taylor wrote down some of Jack's recollections of his childhood here in Lenton before the First World War.
The Nottingham And Beeston Canal In Recent Years
The odd bit of commercial traffic that continued to use the canal between Nottingham and Beeston finally ceased in the 1960s leaving the waterway clear for leisure craft. At that time the canal must have been viewed simply as a relic from the past that didn't have much of a future. As most readers will be aware the situation is now much improved and in fact the Nottingham and Beeston Canal was recently included in a Department of the Environment case study of good practice in urban regeneration.
The Nottingham Canal As It Is Today - Beyond The City Boundary
To conclude our story of the Nottingham canal we provide readers with a brief armchair tour of those sections of the canal that can still be found beyond the City boundary.
The Friary Housing Development
Back in January 1988 when A.F. Hunt (Builders) Ltd. began work on 'The Friary', no one ever envisaged that this housing development off Gregory Street in Old Lenton was likely to attract national media attention and the probable presence at its official opening of a government minister. This interest all came about because the houses were subsequently purchased by a Nottingham company and became some of the first in the country to be offered for rent under 'assured tenancy' terms.
Society Snips
News from the Lenton Local History Society.
Editorial for this issue
The good news is that Issue No.1 has completely sold out. The bad news, such as it is, is that we shall not be reprinting so there will be no more copies for us to sell. Anyone who failed to see Issue 1 will therefore have to beg, steal or borrow someone else's copy. The Lenton Times magnum of 'Vimto', awarded for most sales achieved, goes to Rex Langford, at Hillside Post Office, who found homes for 125 copies. May we thank him and all the other local retailers', who helped sell the magazine. Once again we have chosen to concentrate on one topic - this time the Nottingham canal. The print run for Issue 2 has been increased to 1,200 copies, so we earnestly hope readers find the articles of interest. If this proves to be the case, may we ask you to tell friends and neighbours about the magazine and encourage them to get their own copy.
Our slogan is 'GET BEHIND THE TIMES!'