The Magazine of Lenton Local History Society

Lenton Times - Back Issues

A Brief Synopsis of the Main Articles

Issue No. 41 September 2019 (£1.50)

Front cover of Issue 41 - Lenton Times. Our front cover photograph features No.84 Sherwin Road.

Ellen Maria Beaver: A Puzzling Lenton Gravestone (2 pages)

For the past five years Glenys Randle has been involved in a personal project to create a permanent record of all the surviving gravestones in Lenton Priory Churchyard, which are now positioned around its perimeter. She also tries to find out as much as she can about each person mentioned on the various memorials.

This article looks at one particular gravestone found on the northern edge of the churchyard which reads: In Memory of ELLEN MARIA Second Daughter of the REVEREND HERBERT NAPELTON BEAVER, VICAR of GRINGLEY NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, Born November 13th 1843, Died November 18th 1851.

After some research carried out at Nottinghamshire Archives, Glenys was finally able to solve the puzzle as to why this little girl's body had been buried in Lenton and not back home in her own village.

The Raleigh at War (2½pages)

This article looks at the role of the Raleigh Cycle Company's Lenton base when it was involved in the manufacture of munitions during both World Wars.

Sylvanus Redgate: Photographer and Portrait Painter (3 pages)

Sylvanus Redgate died in February 1907 at the age of seventy nine, having been a Lenton resident for the final twenty seven years of his life. Redgate was a professional artist, known for his portraits of the great and the good of Nottingham, who also operated a photography business in Nottingham for over forty years.

Three of Sylvanus Redgate's Paintings (1 page)

We provide brief biographical details of two of the people who featured in Redgate's portraits plus an equally brief account of the business that used to operate at 39 Long Row, Nottingham the premises depicted in another of Sylvanus Redgates's oil paintings.

Sergeant Alfred Joseph Knight V.C. (2 pages)

Alfred Joseph Knight was awarded the Victoria Cross during the First World War. His exploits have been written about on various occasions when the link with his native city of Birmingham is usually highlighted. However Nottingham had reason to celebrate his heroics and, given that his wartime home address would have been here in Lenton, we feel justified in including his story in the pages of Lenton Times.

Our Sponsor's Story (1 page)

2019 sees Clement Pianos Ltd. celebrate one hundred years of business. Given this fact and our own feature on Henry Farmer and his musical enterprises Clement Pianos were more than happy to become sponsors of this particular issue. Our feature looks at both the piano works that used to be based in the old tin chapel on Castle Boulevard; the company's various retail outlets that were once to be found in the city centre section of Derby Road; and what has happened since everything was transferred to the old All Souls Church Hall premises located at the Radford end of Lenton Boulevard - a specialization that has now resulted in this Nottingham company becoming one of the country's leading piano specialists.

Henry Farmer and Flora Cottage (6 pages)

Lenton Times No.6 featured a series of articles that looked at people and properties associated with Sherwin Road, Lenton. Included was a brief mention of Henry Farmer, the occupant of a house called 'Flora Cottage,' who became a leading figure within Nottingham musical circles during the middle and latter half of the nineteenth century. Flora Cottage was demolished in 1899 and part of its grounds used as the site for the matching sets of terraced housing known as Sherwin Grove. Back in 1991, when Issue No.6 was produced, we were unable to produce any photographs or other illustrations of Flora Cottage. Recently, however, two sets of plans, lodged with Nottinghamshire Archives, came to light, which had been submitted to the Borough Council seeking building regulations approval for additions to the house in the 1870s and 1880s. These provide a clear indication of what the property must have looked like in its latter days. We have also come across the particulars drawn up by the auctioneers and inserted in the local newspapers when Flora Cottage was put up for sale in 1899. Given this, we return for a more extended look at Henry Farmer, his family and Flora Cottage.

Julia Hibbitt: A Life Recalled (1 page)

Julia Mary Hibbitt, longstanding resident of Orston Drive, Wollaton Park, died in October 2018 at the age of eighty six.

We dedicated Lenton Times No.40 to her memory and in this issue we now find ourselves delving a little further into her life story.

Growing up on the Prom in the 50s and 60s (4½pages)

Alan Phillips spent the first sixteen years of his life living on Devonshire Promenade, Lenton.

In this article he recalls his home at No.6; what he remembers of his fellow residents on the Prom; the neighbourhood in general; not forgetting his school days at Lenton Junior School and later at Mundella Grammar School.

News from Highfields' Boathouse (1 page)

Part of the boathouse at Highfields Park provides the base for Steve Clarke, the park ranger. It is here that he has been holding the monthly meetings of the 'Highfields Park Friends Group.' We learn about these; how you, too, can become a member of the group; and what else is going on at Highfields Park these days.

Society Snips (4 pages)

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