The precise date of this photograph is unknown but it was probably taken in the early 1920s by the City Engineer's Department once it became apparent that the construction of Abbey Bridge was likely to go ahead in the near future. It shows the land that was eventually bought by Nottingham Corporation for the road's construction. In the foreground a number of children are busy playing cricket but in the middle distance is what provides the main focus of interest for the modern-day viewer. In the middle distance there is an embankment constructed back in the 1840s for the railway. The embankment was needed as the railway had to cross the Nottingham Canal and leave enough space for canal boatmen to pass under the railway and also so pedestrians could still get along Sherwin Road. The properties on the far side of the railway embankment, starting from the right, are Hungerton Street; the old tin chapel (since demolished); the complex of school buildings that made up Lenton Council Boys, Girls and Infants Schools. To the left of the schools are properties on Albert Road some of which later got demolished when the grounds of Lenton Junior School were extended. On the extreme left are the backs of some of the houses on Sherwin Road.
Photograph courtesy of Nottingham Local Studies Library.
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