Photographs | Lenton Times Article | Memories | Map
The precise date of this photograph is unknown but it was probably taken in the early 1920s by the City Engineer's Department once it became apparent that the construction of Abbey Bridge was likely to go ahead in the near future. It shows the land that was eventually bought by Nottingham Corporation for the road's construction. In the foreground a number of children are busy playing cricket but it is the middle distance that provides the main focus of interest for the modern-day viewer. Click on the photograph to gain access to a larger image and a more detailed description of what can be seen. |
This is a recent aerial view showing a portion of Abbey Bridge along with the surrounding area. The line of Abbey Bridge starts in the bottom middle of the photograph and goes across diagonally to the top right. Towards the top of the photograph the Nottingham to Mansfield railway line crosses from left to right and just beyond it lies Lenton Primary School and Hungerton Street both visible in the previous photograph. |
Nottingham Corporation started work on the construction of Abbey Bridge in 1927. This photograph was taken by the Engineer's Department on 21 September 1927. By now the embankment leading up from Gregory Street has been completed. The sides of the bridge taking the new road over the railway line have already been constructed and work has started on laying the girders across the bridge. Beyond the bridge demolition work is in progress removing the properties on Castle Boulevard and Broadholme Street which needed to make way for the new road. To see this and other historic shots of Abbey Bridge check out Nottingham Local Studies Library's Picture the Past website. |
This 2009 shot has been taken from much the same vantage point as the 1927 shot. On the left lie the surviving properties on Broadholme Street while on the right are the backs of the Grove Road properties none of which needed to come down for the new road although they may well have lost part of their back yards. |
Taken on the 2 August 1928 this shows the recently completed Abbey Bridge looking eastward from its junction with Abbey Street. The new road required the acquisition of part of the grounds of the White Hart and the pub's new perimeter wall is all too visible on the left of the photograph. |
This 2009 photograph is taken from much the same vantage point as the 1928 shot. The perimeter wall of the White Hart is still there but has since been reduced in height and the land behind the wall co-opted for car parking. |
Taken in 2008 this photograph focuses on the former headquarters of the Nottinghamshire branch the Red Cross. The building was specifically designed and built for the Red Cross in the early 1970s. They subsequently moved to Humanity House, Phoenix Park, Nottingham and the Lenton property put up for sale. At the time the photograph was taken it was occupied by a private tuition organisation. |
A view of Abbey Bridge at its junction with Castle Boulevard taken in 2009. On the left is the Grove Hotel and on the right properties on Castle Boulevard that survived the attentions of the demolition team back in 1927. |
Times Articles
Issue No.15 - April 2000
Let us know your memories of Abbey Bridge
Do you have any historical information or other photographs of this area? If so, email us with the details or write to us.