Issue No. 8 May 1993 (80p)
Trams and Lenton
This is a history of trams in Nottingham with particular reference to Lenton. Two tram services served Lenton. The route of the first, opened in 1902, ran along the Boulevards. The second arrived in 1914 and came along Derby Road as far as Gregory Street. There were periodic suggestions as to how the tram network might be extended but the only proposal to come to fruition in Lenton was a short extension to the Derby Road route to serve the needs of the Wollaton Park housing estate. (6 pages)
Assisting Family Historians with their Enquiries
The burial plans for Holy Trinity churchyard have failed to survive which makes it very difficult for anyone trying to locate a particular gravestone. The Family History Society surveyed the surviving headstones in 1981 and published a list of the monumental inscriptions found there. They didn't however, indicate where to find each grave. Members of Lenton Local History Society resurveyed the graveyard in 1992 and as a result we can now provide a specific location for most of those headstones listed in the 1981survey. They also found another ninety inscriptions not listed in the 1981 survey and the relevant details are given in this issue. (4 pages)
Dunkirk Cricket Club Remembered
In 1948 at a meeting held in the Dunkirk Hotel six local lads agreed to form a cricket team. Among them was John Watkins who remained an active participant in the Club for the next thirty years. It is his memories which form the basis of this article. (3 pages)
Eric's Store
The Church Square shopping precinct opened in 1968 as a replacement for all the shops that had been lost when the Willoughby street area was demolished in the early 1960s. Eric Denham & Dennis Boden had run a grocers/greengrocers in the old Willoughby Street. They managed to find alternative premises when they had to leave Willoughby Street. They kept the business going while they waited for their shop unit in the new shopping precinct to be made ready. In autumn 1968 they moved in. It was not the immediate success the two men had hoped for and Dennis Boden decided to quit and take a job with the G.P.O. Eric and his wife Jean resolved to carry on and the story of what happened in subsequent years can be read in this article. (3 pages)
Our Sponsor's Story: Genristo
Based on Prospect Place in New Lenton, Genristo make electric heating components which are incorporated into a wide range of industrial equipment. (1 page)
Society Snips
News from the Lenton Local History Society.
Editorial for this issue
For the past couple of years Nottingham has been actively planning to acquire a Light Rapid Transit system for the city. If readers find that 'Light Rapid Transit' rings no bells try thinking trams instead. The vision is that a modem tram system will be able to transport large numbers of people in to and out of the city in a way that will help counter the clogging of our roads by commuter traffic. At the moment approval and the appropriate funding is being sought for an initial route between Hucknall and Nottingham taking in Moorbridge, Bulwell, Basford and Hyson Green. If this plan does manage to come to fruition and the tram route proves the success everyone wants it to be then a number of other routes waiting in the pipeline may be given the green light. These are reputed to include routes out to Clifton and Ruddington, Netherfield and Gedling, West Bridgford, and Beeston and Toton. The last mentioned would presumably make its way into the City via Lenton. It is now almost sixty years since Lentonians were able to travel into town by tram. No doubt if they are able to repeat the experience it'll be something to tell their grandchildren. In the meantime, while they're waiting for the tram to arrive, we hope they and all the others too young to recall the trams the first time round will find our main feature of interest.
Among the other articles on offer is one that would have appeared in our last issue had we had sufficient space. This is the piece on the graveyard survey carried out at the parish church by members of Lenton Local History Society. A lot of hard work went into the survey and it is no doubt edifying for those involved to see the fruits of their labour in print. Using several pages of the magazine in order to publish what is in effect an addendum to a family history publication may be thought somewhat wasteful of space by the rest of our readership. May we apologise in advance but defend our position by suggesting that it ought to prove of considerable use to family historians and there seemed no other way of getting the material into the public domain. And who knows - readers may spot the odd name among the list that sparks the memory cells into action!