Lenton Photograph Gallery
Castle Marina Site, Dunkirk Fire Station, Dunkirk Pond, Highfields Lido, Highfields Park, Lenton Floods, Lenton Flower Show, Lenton Railway Triangle, Lenton Recreation Ground, Lenton War Memorial, Martinmas Fair, Nottingham Canal, Nottingham University Campus, River Leen, The Tottle Brook
Cottesmore Boys School, Cottesmore Girls School, Dunkirk School, Lenton Church Schools, Lenton's Early Schools, Lenton Infants School - Includes photographs of Nottingham Board School - Lenton Infants & Lenton Council Infants School, Lenton Junior School, Lenton Primary School, Margaret Glen-Bott School, Merrivale Nursery School, Middleton Primary School, Lenton Schools - A Look at Schooling in Nottingham & Lenton in the 19th Century
Holy Trinity Church, Lenton Baptist Church, Old Lenton Primitive Methodist Church, Priory Church
G & F Cope & Co Ltd, Games Workshop - Warhammer World, Raleigh Cycle Company, Robinson's Charabancs, The Tom Trevethick Story
AW Brewill,The Filming of Saturday Night And Sunday Morning
Albert Ball, Sheila Carpenter, David Fox, John Thomas Godfrey, Ken Gulliver, Frank William Johnson, Bill Pilgrim, Arthur Shrewsbury
A Pub Crawl Through History, The Boat Inn & The History of The Boat Inn, Johnson Arms, Keans Head, Rose and Crown, The Three Wheatsheaves, White Hart
J.R. Ball - Chemist, Bickley Jeweller, Harrison's Abbey Street Hairdressers, Len's Store - 35 Grove Road, Lenton Friary, Old Lenton Post Office, Robinson's Sweet Shop, Harry Wells - Newsagent, The Smiths of Lenton
The Boys Brigade, Lenton Bowling Club, Cricket Lovely Cricket, Lenton School of Dancing, Dunkirk Play The Game, Lenton United Cricket Club, Marching Bands in Lenton, Wollaton Lodge Bowling Club
Nottingham University - Index, Florence Nightingale Hall, Lenton Hall & Hugh Stewart Hall of Residence, Lenton Hurst
The Meadows, The Park Estate, Boots Factory - Beeston, Wilford, Wollaton
In this section of the website, we intend to show pictures of
Lenton both past and present, using photographs from the Lenton
Local History Society archives, as well as new and recent
photographs. If you have any pictures of Lenton that you would like
including on this page, please contact us at our regular email
Also, if you have any historical information about a street in
Lenton, then email us with the details. Did your family live or
work there? Can you tell us anything about its history? Write and
let us know.
If you have any school photographs we will put them in the gallery.
Let us have the relevant details as to the school, the year and the
class along with the names of any fellow pupils you can recall. No
doubt in the fullness of time other visitors to the gallery may be
able to recognise some of the missing names and we can then include
further details.
We also intend to offer a free service to our readers, where we
will add and take photographs of the area on request. If you are
researching your family tree and would like to see a photograph of
your forebear's house, street or general area, contact us and we
will do our best to help.